India - Norway Marine Pollution Initiative


INOPOL 2 Final Dissemination Event 17th October 2023

Beach Cleanup for International Coastal Cleanup Day 17th September 2023

Capacity building workshop cum field visit 15th to 16th Sept 2023

INOPOL 2 Kick-off Event 9th June 2023

INOPOL 2 Kick-off Workshop 3rd – 4th March 2023

Capacity building and training programme on plastic and POPs pollution 26th to 27th Aug 2021; 30th -31st Aug 2021, 10-11 May 2022

Stakeholder consultation workshop in Ahmedabad on Feb 25, 2022

Stakeholder consultation workshop in Ahmedabad on Feb 25, 2022

Thematic Track event at the World Sustainable Development Summit(WSDS) | Feb 18, 2022

Webinar on the role of the informal sector in a future international agreement on plastic pollution Dec 02, 2021