India - Norway Marine Pollution Initiative


Second Regional Workshop And Business to Business Meeting On Co-processing in Cement Industry in Bhutan- 24th-25th August 2023

Sustainable Pathways – Norway-India collaboration in research, education and innovation- 12th June 2023

A pilot demonstration with non-recyclable plastic wastes | 13-18 Dec 2022

OPTOCE Special Session in 12th IconSWM-CE – 30th November 2022

OPTOCE Regional Forum | October 27-28, 2022

Co-processing book launch at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Delhi | 18th Aug 2022

Resource Recovery Options for Non-Recyclable Plastic Wastes on 02 Dec 2021

Environmental Restoration and Circular Economy on 12 June 2021

OPTOCE Special Session on 03 Dec 2020